On what exchange does Deluxe trade and what is its ticker symbol?

Shares of Deluxe stock are traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “DLX.”

Does Deluxe pay a cash dividend?

Historically, the Deluxe Board of Directors declares a quarterly dividend each January, April, August and October. See Dividend History

How can I invest in Deluxe?

You can purchase stock in our company through a registered brokerage or stock purchase service provider of your choice. You cannot buy Deluxe stock directly from the company.

What is a transfer agent? How do I contact the transfer agent for Deluxe?

A transfer agent is a regulated organization that keeps track of stockholder records and information. To find out more, please contact our transfer agent:

EQ by Equiniti Shareholder Services
P.O. Box 64854
St. Paul, MN 55164-0854 USA

Delivery address:
1110 Centre Pointe Curve, Suite 101
Mendota Heights, MN 55120
Toll Free: 800-401-1957
P: 877-536-3557 or 651-450-4064
Walk-Up Counter Service: Monday - Friday / 9:00A - 4:00P central

When does Deluxe report its earnings?

Deluxe reports its earnings on a quarterly basis. Check our calendar for the next earnings release.

When does the Deluxe fiscal year end?

Our fiscal year ends on December 31.

How do I contact Deluxe Investor Relations?

If you can't find the information you need on our site, please write or call us at:

Deluxe Corporation
Investor Relations
801 S Marquette Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55402

When and where does Deluxe typically hold its annual shareholder meeting?

The Deluxe Shareholder meeting is typically held in April at Deluxe Headquarters in Minneapolis, MN.

Who is on Deluxe’s board of directors?

Members of the board of directors can be found on the Leadership page.

What analysts typically cover Deluxe?

The analysts who cover Deluxe are listed in our Analyst Coverage page. If you would like to obtain an analyst’s report from these individuals, please contact them directly.

Where can I find Deluxe's annual reports?

Annual Reports can be found on the Annual Reports page.

Who is Deluxe’s independent auditor?

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, which is located in Minneapolis, Minn.